“Over the past year, I have consistently found myself reflecting on the concepts and knowledge I gained from the last ISGP seminar. Being able to apply the concepts to my own life and reflect on their implications on my decisions and relationships with others, has been enlightening and increasingly valuable in the context of my formal education and involvement in the intensive program of growth currently building momentum in my current pioneer post.”
–  Participant

“The seminar has made it clear to me that my studies and contribution to society can support each other. The seminar has confirmed me in my field of study and made me think of ways that I can use my studies to really contribute to society.”
–  Participant

“To have the understanding that education is a tool that serves to reveal latent talents and skills within a person, (like a mine rich in gems of inestimable value) or that education is not only learning from but that, by taking part, I am also contributing towards societal transformation. I have, in the way I learn, been imbued with a higher sense of purpose and enthusiasm to strive always with excellence and sincere effort.”
– Participant

“Before the seminar, my reflections on my future were undertaken in a high-school environment, an environment that stressed materialism and self-satisfaction. The seminar allowed me to see coherency in my life and apply my career to my principles, rather than simply trying to apply principles to my work. My understanding of some of the concepts in the Baha’i Faith has deepened considerably. I now feel so much more confident, especially around a university-based social group, to articulate my views.”
– Participant

‘Building on the awareness of how my actions have great influence on others and the future of civilization, acts as a reminder to always direct my energies towards a balanced approach to personal and collective transformation- complementary dimensions of a single process.’
– Participant

“I feel a greater sense of joy and motivation to increase my efforts in service to humanity, especially in the context of my neighbourhood.”


“I have gained a greater awareness of the harmony between science and religion. It has affected my perspective and I will be more inclined to look at this harmony in my studies and service.”

“This seminar has helped me enormously. Being here has broadened my conceptual framework and made my foundations of understanding stronger. It has also helped me overcome challenges and obstacles that I might face while starting university. I can avoid creating false dichotomies and therefore serve more effectively.”
– Participant

“This seminar had me thinking and planning what I can do during my studies that will contribute to the transformation of my community and also what services I can do for humanity through my career path. Now I want to learn more about the sciences and how I can use that knowledge to understand God’s creation.”
– Participant

“The seminar has made me see my study and service as coherent. I see my study as a tool to aid humanity and give rise to progress.”
–  Participant

“It has allowed me to understand much more deeply how my service in a neighbourhood will contribute to the transformation of a population. This seminar has also set me on a path of deep reflection on my career path.”
– Participant

“The seminar has left me feeling galvanized to continue studying, and in fact pursue knowledge in other practical fields too. I now have a more clear life-path.”
–  Participant

“I have gained a whole new insight into life. I now have a greater understanding of the two fold moral purpose and how the individual transformation of a person’s character not only has an effect on a family but also on a whole community.”
–  Participant